2020 Postal Match Update
There has been a huge interest in shooting the 2020 IDPA Postal Match with over 84 clubs requesting the match information. We are very excited to have so much interest and participation in the match. To help things run smoothly, here are a few reminders.
- Please read and follow the match instructions. If you are unsure or have a questions, email Po**********@gm***.com for assistance.
- We are having trouble with clubs directly uploading the file in to Practiscore, which then overwrites the master copy. Email po**********@gm***.com the match file with the original file name then to upload to Practiscore, you must clone your match and rename it. If you need instructions to do this, email us.
- Do not alter the format of the file. Instead of importing the file and adding the shooters and scores, we have clubs that are changing the file name before sending the completed copy to us, adding unrecognized categories and divisions and similar errors. When we try to fix the changes, these files will not merge with our match any longer. We can import them into the tablet, but only as a different match. So, these scores are then discounted. For these scores to be in the official results, they must then be corrected.
- Lastly, we have a number of unclassified and no IDPA number competitors listed in the scores currently. When we do a final run over the entries by checking classifications and membership status, we will be removing anyone who is not currently a member or currently classified from the final posting of the scores. This will be done after the April 30th deadline.