Posted March 2, 2024 by

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IDPA HQ Celebrates Women’s History Month

The International Defensive Pistol Associate (IDPA) is celebrating National Women’s Month now through March 31st. Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history.

“We’re proud to say that IDPA is the only shooting sport run by women.”, says Joyce Wilson, IDPA Executive Director. “We work very hard to encourage inclusivity and to make everyone feel welcome at matches.”

Joyce has been in the firearms industry for 23 years, and has been running IDPA since 2007. “ I really am blessed to work in the gun industry. It really does mean so much to everyone, to have and to be able to celebrate our freedoms. We hear stories at HQ about how difficult it can be for our international members to even access firearms. It’s important to remember that not only should be grateful for the freedoms we have in America, but how those freedoms are so important to women. Now more than ever women should stand up and be heard.”

Working alongside Joyce at IDPA Headquarters is IDPA Operations Manager Mandy Bachman, IDPA Business Development Officer Kitty Richards, and IDPA Marketer Chris Schmied. Bachman is the seventeenth female to make Master class shooter in IDPA, has won numerous IDPA matches, and shoots professionally for Team Wilson Combat. Richards has been shooting IDPA competitions since 2002 and is also an Instructor for IDPA officials. Schmied has been shooting IDPA since 2013 and is proud to work in the “freedom industry”.

“Women are still the fastest growing group of new gun owners. We understand that for so many women getting into firearms for the first time, it can still be intimidating.”, Wilson continued. “We want to recognize this year’s Women’s Month by honoring women in our sport, and by encouraging other women to join us. We hope all our fellow Ladies of IDPA will take time to encourage safety and camaraderie at the range, and to celebrate National Women’s Month with us as we encourage female gun ownership.”

For more information on IDPA, or to join more than 23,000 IDPA members competing each week around the country, visit


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