Posted May 23, 2018 by

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Area Coordinator Changes in the US Southeast

Chad Barber, Area Coordinator for AL/GA, has resigned as AC for his area. A fixture in the IDPA world, Barber is also the Match Director for the 2018 IDPA National Championship. He explains how he came to our sport. “I was first introduced to IDPA in 2000. It was a natural extension of my duties as a law enforcement and firearms instructor to further my skills with scenariobased courses of fire. Our move to the New England region in 2008 exposed me to sanctioned matches and opportunities to participate as a Chief Safety Officer and course designer in higher tiered matches. My time working the Indoor national championships was invaluable in my development both as competitor and a staff member. I can honestly say I would not be where I’m headed today without this experience.” 

Barber has been an AC for 2 and 1/2 years, starting in the fall 2015 when he transferred to Southern Georgia. “However, I recently retired from the US Coast Guard in October of 2017 and my future is taking me elsewhere, as Angie and I are transitioning to civilian employment”.

When asked about his successes as an AC he enthusiastically responded, “Mentoring a club to host a sanctioned match on their one year anniversary of being an official IDPA Club. They are growing and have just held their second annual event. Additionally, networking with all the club contacts and SOI’s adding nearly 75 SO’s to the GA/AL region. I just wish I had more time to really get to know more of the people here in the south. They were very welcoming and truly enjoy their shooting sport.

What plans does he have after he transitions his duties to the incoming AC? “I’m honored to have been offered a position at the SIG SAUER Academy. This will also allow me to fulfill my role as the MD of the 2018 IDPA National Championships. I’ll continue working with the outstanding team; Nicky and Dede Carter and Seth Hayden, who all have the same vision, dedication and passion necessary to provide our sport with a high level challenging championship event. As a team we’ve been working on this project for over eight months. We’re all very excited to be a part of it.”

 As always, Barber’s thoughts as he leaves are full of concern for others. “God bless you all and I hope to see you on the range soon whether you are at an IDPA match or possibly taking a course at the SIG SAUER Academy.”
Florida Area Coordinator Rick Lund has been tapped as the new AC for AL, GA and FL. Having worked matches for more than 10 years, this is Lund’s 4tyear as an AC. 

What attracted this shooter to IDPA initially? “I was traveling overseas frequently for the government and wanted to maintain and improve my gun handling. I was originally attracted to the emphasis on selfdefense. I think that has been the reason most shooters start out in IDPA before we got hooked on the sport itself.” 

Contemplating the successes in FL and goals for AL & GA, he says, “One of the contributions I have offered the clubs in Florida is to provide much of the background or the history on how we got to where we are today over the years. That has been helpful for MD’s to understand what our best practices are. I will hope to bring that perspective to Georgia and Alabama. I have felt for some time that there is tremendous potential to create a strong Southeast Regional IDPA match. I would love to see a larger collaboration of the three states as a single region.” 

Lund lists a few of the most significant changes in the sport with which he was happy to participate. “Simplifying the rulebook for shooters. Having the opportunity to spend time with Bill Wilson was a tremendous help for us to understand how the values of IDPA had morphed over 15 years into an overly complicated sport. I am also happy with the way the 5×5 classifier has worked out for clubs and our members.” 

When asked what would surprise people to know about him, the AC says, “ I am dangerous with the manly arts of both a BBQ smoker an d pyrotechnics. I mostly retired from the latter to stay off lists.”

What else would Rick like his new constituents to know about him? “I hope to see IDPA strengthen and continue to improve its value to the nation of gun owners from around the world t hat enjoy the sport as a way to maintain their shooting skills.” 




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