Contact Us
Club ID: C0194
Joined IDPA: December 7, 1998
Club Mailing Address
3544 South Florida Ave,
Lakeland Florida 33803
Login or Sign up to view club contactsLakeland Defensive Pistol Club
Lakeland, Florida
We are an IDPA club located in Fort Meade, Florida. Our matches are held on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 9am. We welcome shooters of all skill levels to come out and compete in a safe controlled environment. A new shooter orientation brief will start 8:30 am. If you plan on attending on a regular basis, please consider joining the ( IDPA ) International Defensive Pistol Association. You may also want to join the Lakeland Defensive Pistol Club to receive a reduction in your monthly match fee. For more information on our club and our monthly matches, please visit our About page. Competing in IDPA is a lot more fun than going to a public range and dumping expensive ammo at a static target. Put your skills to the test and join us for our next match
Range Werx
Club match is on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 9 am.
870 Old Bowling Green Road, Fort Meade, FL