How do I cancel the auto renewal on my account?
To cancel the auto renew feature on your account, you will log in to your IDPA account and then click on your “Dashboard” tab. You will then scroll down on the screen until you see the “Membership” section on the bottom right. In the Membership section, next to the renewal button, will be a “TURN OFF AUTO-RENEW” button in red. By clicking this button, you will be removing yourself from the auto-renew feature. If the “TURN OFF AUTO-RENEW” button does not show up for you, this means that you do not have a credit card on file and your account will not auto renew. Once you have cancelled the auto-renew on your account you will still receive the alerts about your account expiring. On the day your account expires you will receive an invoice letting you know that your account is expired. If you decide to one day rejoin IDPA, you will need to log in to your expired IDPA account and go through the renewal process.
You can also cancel your auto renewal by emailing IDPA Headquarters at he**@id**.com or by calling during office hours at (870) 545-3886.