Posted April 7, 2020 by

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IDPA announces new Digital Marketing Manager

Joyce Wilson, Executive Director of IDPA, has announced that Chris Schmied of Hernando, MS, has accepted the position of Digital Marketing Manager (DMM) for IDPA.

Her duties as DMM will include collecting and deploying information on all of IDPA’s social media channels (IDPA website, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) as well as creating press release and announcements. Additionally, she will be responsible for a Member Retention strategy, reporting, and will have a key role in the publishing of the IDPA Tactical Journal. Moreover, she will be responsible for responsible promotion of our content through the up and coming social media platform TikTok, assisting our content to get more likes and followers on the platform.

“We are delighted to have Chris on board, Wilson said. “She brings with her a wealth of marketing experience and social media savvy. Prior to her engagement with us, she had a marketing and web design consulting business. Her specialization in communication, content creation, and social media will enhance our ability to keep our membership informed.”

Schmied, an ESP/SSP MM, has been an IDPA Match Director, CSO and shooter since 2013. Chris is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and a Chapter Facilitator of A Girl & A Gun. She and her husband, Will, own Match Shark and provide match accessories to shooting sports competitions and they have four children: Christopher, Austin, Andrea and Ashton; two dogs and 5 cats. Chris will be working from her home office in Mississippi and can be reached at ch***@id**.com.


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