Posted May 8, 2024 by

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Area Coordinators News from IDPA Resources

IDPA HQ Announces a New RACL and Area Coordinator

Rick Lund from Florida has resigned as Regional Area Coordinator Lead (RACL) of the Eastern United States. Rick has been our team leader for updating rulebooks, stepping in to help with matches whenever needed, and running the postal matches we had a few years ago during COVID shutdowns. We will miss his guidance, and we wish him nothing but the best. “I would like to thank Rick for his dedication and support throughout the years as we have guided the sport and organized the ACs. Rick’s long-time experience and expertise will be missed as he transitions over the next few weeks” said Brian Ehrler, the Western RACL.

Joyce Wilson, Executive Director of IDPA said “Rick will be sorely missed. He’s been a guiding light in the sport and is always willing to talk about changes and ideas and how they will impact not only the shooters but all our volunteers. I wish him well and hope to see him on the range soon.”

Rick has been an incredible asset to our leadership team, and we will miss his insight and knowledge of the sport. Next time you see him at a match, please be sure to thank him for all his years of hard work.

Mike Wilkerson from South Carolina has been appointed Regional Area Coordinator Lead (RACL) of the Eastern United States. Over the last decade, Mike has had the chance to shoot with some of the greatest folks from all over the world. Mike says that “IDPA has afforded me the opportunity to connect with individuals from most of the 50 states, and many of the countries that participate in this sport. I’m honored to have been selected for this role. I look forward to taking a greater role in supporting the IDPA clubs and members.”

“We couldn’t run IDPA without the invaluable experience that competitors themselves bring to the sport. We are thrilled to have members like Mike that will step up and lend a hand anyway they can. Mike is going to be a great RACL and I look forward to seeing all that he and Brian can accomplish together,” said Joyce Wilson.

Mike is a veteran of the US Marine Corps and reside outside Charleston, South Carolina with his girlfriend Emily and Chocolate Lab Bella. Mike manages contracts for a stealth start-up and consults on contracting policies & procedures.

Filling Mike’s position as the Southeastern US Area Coordinator is Adam Crockett. Adam has served as the State Coordinator for Florida and works matches around the country. Mike Wilkerson says “I can’t express strongly enough, how excited I am to work more closely with the outstanding leadership team at HQ. Additionally, I am fortunate to get to collaborate, some may say conspire, with my friend Brian Ehrler. I’m looking forward to it and to working with all the great AC’s and SC’s that do so much to for this sport. One such individual I’m proud to announce will be stepping up from his role as SC for Florida to the AC position, for the Southeast encompassing Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, & North Carolina, Adam Crockett. Adam is knowledgeable, approachable, and hard working. He will be an outstanding AC!”

Joyce Wilson said, “Adam is so great. He’s always looking for ways to help. He’s knowledgeable about the rules and equipment, and I know the folks in his region will really benefit from his support.”

Adam is a full-time Automotive Technician for Nissan. Adam is married with 2 kids (18, 15). Adam competes in IDPA, Steel Challenge, GSSF, and USPSA. Adam says, “I joined IDPA in October of 2012, and have not looked back. I enjoy the sport and the friendships that I have made.”

Please join us in welcoming Mike and Adam to their new positions.


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