Sep 23, 2020
Sep 14, 2020
How to ensure that you get IDPA HQ emails
Follow these simple steps in Gmail to ensure that you never miss an email from...Sep 02, 2020
New Area Coordinator in the US Southwest
Bora Angel from Plano, TX, has been appointed as the Area Coordinator of Texas...Sep 01, 2020
Labor Day
In observance of Labor Day, IDPA HQ will be closed on Monday, September 7, 202...Aug 26, 2020
Regional Area Coordinator Lead (RACL) News
Ken Reed from Idaho has resigned as Regional Area Coordinator Lead (RACL) of t...Aug 12, 2020
CSO Renewal Clarification
CSOs wishing to renew their status cannot update their CSO status by sit...Jul 30, 2020
Postal Match Updates
We've added the matchbook, match setup guide and setup videos to the Postal Ma...Jul 22, 2020
New Carry Optics Appendix Update
Thanks to member feedback, we've made some minor changes to Rules Appendix C -...Jul 15, 2020
2020 Q3 Tactical Journal Released
We are thrilled to announce that we are publishing our new digital IDPA Tactic...Jul 14, 2020