Jul 01, 2020
Jun 30, 2020
IDPA 2020 National Championship Postal Match
IDPA Headquarters is excited to announce the IDPA 2020 National Championship P...May 19, 2020
Postal Match Scores
Our Postal Match final results are posted here, by division. Congratulations...May 15, 2020
Update on Membership Extensions
We understand that several members have had issues using the code to extend th...May 05, 2020
IDPA Membership Extensions
On April 28th we announced that with the 2020 match season paused due to COVID...May 05, 2020
2020 IDPA National Championship Update
To the membership, We are experiencing the most unique and unsettling time ...Apr 28, 2020
News about Extensions and Recertifications
As the COVID 19 pandemic continues to affect all of us around the world, IDPA ...Apr 07, 2020
IDPA announces new Digital Marketing Manager
Joyce Wilson, Executive Director of IDPA, has announced that Chris Schmied of ...Apr 03, 2020
Postal Match Update
Hello IDPA shooters, we are down to the final 4 weeks of the postal match an...Apr 01, 2020