Greene IDPA, second Saturday Tier 1 club match
12:00 AM
Club Match
$15 match fee.
Greene Rod and Gun Club will be holding the Second Saturday monthly IDPA match.
If the link does not work, then go to, select Matches at the top, then search for Greene. The match is open for self-squadding.
We will also accommodate those who need to register and squad at the match but is it best to sign up ahead online to select a squad if you desire to shoot with others.
When you finish filling out registration info and click the register button, you will see a misleading message across the top in a bright green banner:
Thank you! You have been registered for this match, you will be notified when you are approved to squad.
Be advised you WILL be able to select a squad immediately, so dont wait to be notified. Scroll down to select one of several light blue blocks for squads. Then scroll down some more to see a green select squad button.
After clicking this green select squad button, you should see a small pop-up window for Confirm Squadding with another green button Yes, Squad me!
You must now scroll down one more time to click the green button for Select Squad one more time to complete the process.
There are a total of three green buttons to complete the squad process. Scroll down one more time, you should see your name in the squad list. (you should NOT see your name twice, so please only register one time)
Facebook users, feel free to comment and leave feedback. Search for Greene Rod and Gun Club and find this and future IDPA events.
6:00 AM online registration closes so I can get one last sync of the devices before I leave my house. After 7am, must register manually at the club.
8:00 AM Setup. We appreciate those that can come early to help.
9:00 AM Registration opens and New Shooter orientation begins. (let me know if any new shooters)
9:45 AM REGISTRATION CLOSES. Shooter meeting and announcements (let me know if you have anything to announce).
10:00 AM Squads report to pistol ranges for Hammer Down!
Note: MORNING ONLY no afternoon relay
Notice regarding arrival with a loaded firearm
GRGC is a Cold Range. If you arrive with a loaded firearm, find the Match Director or other safety officer and they will take you to a pit to unload your firearm while on the premises. When you are ready to leave, MD or safety officer will watch as you load it back up at the end of your visit. This is to get an extra pair of eyes on your firearm to keep everyone, including you, safe while on the premises. Thank you for your cooperation
Basic directions:
From I-17 or I-81 take exit 6 off I81 N. Turn right onto Route 12 and head North toward Greene. Turn left (at Berean Bible Church) off route 12 onto Chenango County Route 2 toward Smithville Flats (about 700 feet) and make a sharp turn left onto Foster Hill Road, go (about 1 mile) to the top of the hill, see gun club letter board sign and black metal double gate on your right.
GPS coordinates 42.3069 , -75.8226
If using Google Maps, enter Greene Rod and Gun club or enter 355 (or 357 or 365) Foster Hill road Greene NY will get you close.
To New Shooters (If this is your first time shooting at GRGC) Please visit and review the New Shooter page on our web site here:
If the link does not work, then go to Click on IDPA, then New Shooter.
Please email Jeff by the Friday prior to the match to let me know you need the safety briefing or that you are bringing someone that needs one. You will need to be registered, and ready for orientation by 9:00am so we have time to cover the safety information, or you may not be able to shoot.
This is because most shooters are on a schedule and we need to get started on time.
I will check the weather report of at least 4 different weather web sites by noon on Friday and send out a weather update e-mail and update the facebook post and update the web site.
We may decide to reconfigure the stages to shoot from under the shelters if the weather calls for passing showers or light rain/drizzle.
You have the option to go back in to practiscore to withdraw from the match for any reason, including weather.
Thank You
Jeff Chimileski-IDPA Match Director
Greene Rod & Gun Club (GRGC)
Email: JC**********@st**.com
Mobile/Text: (607) 591-1011
DNF/DQ/No Show
365 FOSTER HILL RD GREENE , NY US 13778 Get Directions
Greene Rod and Gun Club