Posted April 28, 2020 by

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News from IDPA Safety Officers

News about Extensions and Recertifications

As the COVID 19 pandemic continues to affect all of us around the world, IDPA Headquarters would like to share some updates with our members regarding things we are doing to help you with membership and classifications.

MEMBERSHIP EXTENSION – IDPA recognizes that no matches are currently being held due to COVID-19. Later this year we will be releasing a code that will extend your membership. We will work to keep you informed via our website and social media channels.

CLASSIFICATION EXTENSION – Effective May 1, 2020, we will be adding one year to all classifications that were set to expire in 2020 so that the classification will be extended to 2021. This option will only affect classifiers with a 2019 completed date. What this means is that any classifier or sanctioned match you shot in 2019 will be extended a year, allowing you to compete through all of 2020 in that particular division. This change will happen behind the scenes and will update on the IDPA website automatically.

SAFETY OFFICER RECERTIFICATION – Members have from 90 days prior to their SO expiration date to 364 days after their expiration date to recertify, an activity that is not affected by social distancing. With such a generous time frame (15 months) we will not be extending recertification dates. We encourage you to use any down time you are experiencing now to complete the recertification.

POINTS FOR THE 2020 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP – Some members have asked us about points for the National Championship in light of the rescheduling and movement of matches. Since match cancellation affects all members equally, we will continue to use the points system for this year, but it is likely that the number of points to get in will be lower than other years.

This has been a challenging time for all of us. We wish all of you good health and urge you to make choices that will keep you and the rest of your community safe.


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