Laser Ammo 9mm Basic Training
Train Today with the LaserPETTM II Electronic Target… Complete with Your Choice of a Red or IR SureStrikeTM 9mm Laser Cartridge!
Normally $199, but only $179.10 for IDPA members!
Use a 9mm pistol to train with the LaserPET II target for marksmanship and speed. This product can enhance your draw by showing to first – on – target shot time or a shot – reload – shot split time. This is a perfect way for new or veteran competition shooters to step up their game with dry fire and get the visible reaction from the laser training tools.
This is a full training system that includes the most advanced reactive target in the market with the high quality 9mm Red SureStrike laser cartridge for your 9mm pistol.
No additional equipment needed.
(Please note that other company’s laser trainers will not activate the LaserPET II: with the exclusion of CoolFire)
This system provides immediate feedback by focusing on their draw time, accuracy, reloads and much more. It’s completely portable, can fit in any range bag, be used in most any environment and proven to enhance every shooter’s abilities.
Using the Red laser will help you train your family and friends as well, as you can see their hits and misses.