Posted July 26, 2022 by

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The 40 yard National Challenge Side Match

Everyone has been on social media this past week demonstrating their prowess in firing the ‘Dicken Drill’ on their own range at their own leisure.

It is time to see your performance on the clock, with all your friends standing behind you to witness your Hero to Zero status at the IDPA National Championship this September in Colorado.

IDPA is setting up an opportunity as a Side Match to benefit the military charity Purple Heart Homes. For a $5 donation, you can enhance your reputation by earning the 40 yards National Challenge Coin awarded on the spot by one of our Regional AC coordinators that are running the side match.

The Challenge will be set up and scored as a single-string Limited stage with a 15-second par time. Any shots that are taken after the elapsed part-time will be scored as an extra shot using Limited scoring. This is for handguns only, from concealment, no PCC in the side match.

The results of the side match will be announced at the awards banquet along with the title of Top Shooter for the event. Sponsored shooters who do not earn the challenge coin at this event will be required to turn in their shirts 😛.

We will see everyone at the side match bay at Nationals.
Be There.


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